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Spark can run without Hadoop. But this page assumes that you are trying to install Spark for your Hadoop cluster.

Download Binary
  • Go to this link and choose the directory containing the spark version you want.
  • Right-click on the file which looks like "spark-<spark version>-bin-hadoop<hadoop version>.tgz" and copy link.
  • SSH into linux server and do the following inside the directory of your choice.
# Using Spark 3.1.1 for Hadoop 3.2+
# This will download the .tgz file to your directory.


  • You will need to have Hadoop installed for Spark to work (This is required only when Spark is being installed for hadoop cluster).
  • Get the path where python command is available, by running (this is needed to set environment variable for PySpark later):
# Path to python command
which python
  • Optional: Install scala. Spark 2.x onwards, it comes pre-built with Scala. So this isn't required for its functioning, but recommended to do so.
sudo apt install scala